Felix Lee, known mononymously as Felix, is an Australian K-pop idol, dancer, and rapper. Born as Lee Yong Bok to Korean immigrant parents in Sydney, Australia, on September 15, 2000, he was raised in the suburb of Seven Hills. In February 2017, Felix relocated to South Korea after receiving an online invitation to audition for JYP Entertainment, one of South Korea's leading entertainment companies. He accepted the invitation, and, showcasing his dancing skills with a freestyle routine, he was welcomed into the company on February 24, 2017.
Felix's talent was revealed to the public on October 12, 2017, when JYP Entertainment officially announced his participation in the survival show Stray Kids. Despite experiencing a setback when he was eliminated in the eighth episode due to difficulties with the Korean language, Felix demonstrated his resilience. He was brought back in the final episode on December 19, 2017. This marked a significant turning point in his career as it was confirmed that Felix would make his debut with the boy group Stray Kids.
Known for his deep, husky voice that contrasts with his youthful appearance, Felix has become a recognizable figure in the K-pop scene. Despite his relatively short career so far, he has accumulated a significant net worth of around $3 million, indicative of his talent and popularity. His unique background and dedication to his craft continue to intrigue and inspire his global fanbase.